Brighton, October 15, 2019
Co-Editor’s-in-Chief, Yazz Bhandari, Georgina Martin and Victoria Gill fromFabrik have announced the premiere of their new fashion magazine and are exhibiting a nude runway show atFabrik’s launch party.
The nude runway show will start at 6:30 p.m., Tickets to attend the event can be purchased online at for £3 until 6:29 p.m., Oct 27. Tickets on the door are also £3, however, doors will close when the venue capacity has been reached, so get your tickets in advance! Dueto the nature of the show, it is an 18+ event and ID on the door will be essential.
Fabrik’s aims are to continually push boundaries and elucidate their core message of reclaiming, redefiningand empowering. Taking social issues that are prevalent in society and changing their narrative. Promotinginclusivity and body positivity whilst loosely following the latest trends and designers.
Although the first catwalk’s theme is nudity; Fabrik Editors have kept the concepts and themes behind nudity, amystery. “We want to keep everyone guessing. People are going to assume that the models are just catwalking naked but it is so much more than that,” said Yazz, Editor-In-Chief and President of Fabrik. “We arereally going to blow people away and I can’t wait for everyone to see the outcome of the Fabrik teams hardwork over the past couple of weeks.”
So, come along and find out what Fabrik’s mystery nude runway event is really about! There will be a drinks bar with plenty of beer and wine, good music, friendly faces and… fashion darling! – it is a must go event.
Make sure to follow our Instagram page @fabriksussex to see all our latest updates!