Sussex's first & only fashion magazine

Welcome to Fabrik's official website. We are The University of Sussex's only Fashion Magazine.
Our aims are to continually push boundaries and elucidate our core message of reclaiming, redefining and empowering. Taking social issues that are prevalent in society and changing their narrative. We promote inclusivity and body positivity whilst loosely following the latest trends and designers.
Follow us on our instagram page: @Fabriksussex to keep up to date with what is going on at Fabrik daily, from our weekly photoshoots to runway shows. You do not want to miss it!
Meet Our
Editors - in - Chief

Heyaa, Izarbe here! I’m just a Spanish gal who often gets asked why do I study Law... Well, I just do it to give myself a little credibility, what I actually like to do is take pictures of myself.